*DVD49-Clash of the Champions 1-BETA (Sanyo Capture)
*DVD3314-Clash of the Champions 1-BETA (Sony Capture)
HD2-Clash of the Champions 1 Satellite Version (2 Discs)
TS-Clash of the Champions 1 Turner Home Video
*DVD271-Clash of the Champions II “Miami Mayhem”-BETA
HD5-Clash of the Champions II: Miami Mayhem WOC (DVD+R DL)
TS-Clash of the Champions 2 Turner Home Video
HD5-Clash of the Champions III “Fall Brawl 88”
HD5-Clash of the Champions III: Fall Brawl WOC (DVD+R DL)
TS-Clash of the Champions 3 Turner Home Video
HD5-Clash of the Champions IV “Seasons Beatings”
HD5-Clash of the Champions IV: Season’s Beatings WOC (DVD+R DL)
*DVD672-Clash of the Champions IV: Seasons Beatings from WWE 24/7
TS-Clash of the Champions 4 Turner Home Video
HD5-Clash of the Champions V “St Valentines Massacre”
TS-Clash of the Champions 5 Turner Home Video
HD4-Clash of the Champions VI “Rajin Cajun” (DVD+R DL)
*DVD51-Clash of the Champions VII “Guts & Glory”-BETA
HD5-Clash of the Champions VII “Guts & Glory”
HD5-Clash of the Champions VIII “Fall Brawl 89”
HD5-Clash of the Champions IX “New York Knockout”
HD5-Clash of the Champions IX: New York Knockout WOC (DVD+R DL)
HD5-Clash of the Champions X “Texas Shootout”
HD5-Clash of the Champions X: Texas Shootout WOC (DVD+R DL)
MKV-Clash of the Champions X Replay with Jim Ross & Jim Cornette-VHS
HD5-Clash of the Champions XI “Coastal Crush”
HD5-Clash of the Champions XII Fall Brawl 90 “Mountain Madness”
HD5-Clash of the Champions XII: Fall Brawl 90 “Mountain Madness” WOC (DVD+R DL)
HD5-Clash of the Champions XIII “Thanksgiving Thunder”
HD5-Clash of the Champions XIV “Dixie Dynamite”
HD1-Clash of the Champions XIV “Dixie Dynamite” WOC
HD5-Clash of the Champions XV “Knocksville USA”
HD5-Clash of the Champions XVI “Fall Brawl 91”
HD5-Clash of the Champions XVII
MKV-Clash of the Champions XVII-VHS
HD5-Clash of the Champions XVIII
HD5-Clash of the Champions XVIII WOC (DVD+R DL)
MKV-Clash of the Champions XVIII-VHS
MPG-Clash of the Champions XIX (not complete)-VHS
HD5-Clash of the Champions XIX
MKV-Clash of the Champions XX WOC-VHS
HD5-Clash of the Champions XX
HD5-Clash of the Champions XXI
HD5-Clash of the Champions XXII
AVI-Clash of the Champions 23 from WWE 24/7
HD5-Clash of the Champions XXIII
HD5-Clash of the Champions XXIV
HD5-Clash of the Champions XXV
HD5-Clash of the Champions XXVI
HD5-Clash of the Champions XXVII
HD5-Clash of the Champions XXVIII
HD5-Clash of the Champions XXIX
MKV-Clash of the Champions XXIX WOC-VHS (not complete)
*DVD898-Clash of the Champions XXX-VHS (Encore Airing 2/2/95)
*DVD1769-Clash of the Champions XXXI-VHS
*DVD1763-Clash of the Champions XXXII-VHS (Live Airing)
*DVD332-Clash of the Champions XXXIII-BETA (Encore Airing)
*DVD899-Clash of the Champions XXXIV-VHS
MP4-Clash of the Champions 35